So for those that may not have heard (and for even those of you that have) Budweiser has a new beer out called American Ale. This is designed to bring those craft brew drinking hippies back in to the fold. Did it succeed?
Well sort of. Depending on where you live and the tax associated with alcohol, some of the better sixers of craft beer can run you about $8-$10. Last night I bought a 6-pack for $6.49. Score one for Anheuser-Busch crowd because can anyone really compete with their production model?
Taste was was wet. I was totally disappointed. I was mostly disappointed because I was really hoping that this would be the gateway beer for people who think that beer is too complicated now and has become the new wine (that is another blog post entirely). What was missing was the soul of the beer. I mean techincally everything was there. There was a hop-ey-ness was there and it had the good amber color that you are looking for. But it was just missing something. I could go on and on about the different taste components. But I think that you get the point.
What really has happened here is that Bud tried to join a beer culture that was specifically designed to get away from them.
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